Why SEO is important for the growth of your Bussiness

 Why SEO  is important for the growth of your Bussiness

SEO {search Engine optimization} means An SEO advices the site owners the way to be get found online. How to rank their site, how to increase organic traffic, the tools which will help them to grow online. Helps a site to rank on first page.

To start the SEO first the consultant do the health check of your website. They try to find the issues with your website like speed of the website, mobile view of the website, loading speed of site. Once they tackle these basic problems they go for more technical formalities.   

Why SEO  is important for the growth of your Bussiness

Now lets discuss about the working areas of an SEO consultant

1. On-page optimization :-

On-page SEO is an essential part of SEO Which include on page issues, like i said above the the speed of site, quality content, interlinking of links of your site, is site is up to date according to google updates, theme of the site. They review these elements and give suggestions to improve the website. They try to create user friendly interface so that organic traffic increase on the site. 

He can suggest unique and creative ideas rather than computer-generated or paraphrased content. Let us discuss some of the on-page elements in detail: 

An SEO consultant is familiar with all these technicalities and can help you optimize them for better SEO results.

Keyword research:- 

Keyword research is the most important part of starting an SEO of a site. If we say we are gonna build a building then keyword search is like laying first brick of the building. It is important for marketing point of view. There are few things to keep in mind, Although High traffic tend to get more revenue but the problem here is these keywords are also have high competition, So it will be going to be waste of time for you to focus on these high traffic keywords. You have to find the moderate level of keywords according to the content of your site.    

Content optimization:- 

As there is competition increasing day by day nothing can replace the high quality content. It is what provides value to website visitors. This is what  that will bring organic traffic to your site. Why will a user come to your site if  the information you are providing already on the other established sites.

Actually SEO strategies are revolving around the high quality content. SEO consultant try to promote this content and try to increase its visibility.  

2. Off-page optimization consulting:- 

Off-page SEO is completely different from on-page SEO. Every SEO expert have their own strategy . Different strategy work for the different business. It starts with creating back links on the high authority sites.  From there the user come to your site. It will increase you visibility on search engine and your chances of appearing on first page increase accordingly. 

SSL certificate:- 

An SSL(Secure-Socket-Layer) certificate adds the element of security to your website. It is a security technology creating encryption between a web server and a browser. It ensures consumers of their privacy. 

In 2014, Google announced that SSL-certified websites will be preferred over the other existing websites. Most hosting providers now include an SSL certificate by default with their hosting services.

User Friendly website design:- 

Not having a user friendly interface will lead you nowhere. 

Increased loading speed:- 

Think for a second would you stay on a site where it takes longer to load at each click. A consumer these days go for a fast experience. The speed of site can create hindrance in user experience. Use the fastest hosting services.

Use a fast DNS (Domain Name System) provider.

Optimize your code base.

Compress heavy elements such as illustrations and info-graphics.

Build a site map:- 

As its name suggests site map means. Map of your site that will help google bots find & crawl all the links of your site. A sitemap is a systematic organization of your website content. 

Benefits of Appointing an SEO Expert for your site:-

Businesses, can take benefits of an SEO experts specialy the newly built as your site will get traffic and you will start creating revenue. Some of the benefits of small business SEO are:- 

1. Expert advice

2. Know your competition

3. Better niche understanding

4. Security

We will discuss in detail About Benefits of appointing an SEO expert in the next blog.


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